BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
imx_3.14.38_6ul_engrMLK-10936 imx: mx7d: Change to use bootrom_sw_info for getting boot deviceYe.Li10 years
imx_v2009.08ENGR00179437-2 u-boot: mx6q: iomux: code clean upJason Liu13 years
imx_v2009.08_1.1.0ENGR00255481 mx6: Update equation for thermal sensorAnson Huang12 years
imx_v2009.08_10.04.01ENGR00122395: fix license declaration issue in fsl_esdhc.hTerry Lv15 years
imx_v2009.08_10.05.02ENGR00123630 Set ddr clk clock according to the board IDJason Liu15 years
imx_v2009.08_10.07.11ENGR00125220 MX28: SD(slot0)boot dhcp failedJason Liu15 years
imx_v2009.08_10.10.01ENGR00132965 add MT29F16G08ABACA NAND descriptionLily Zhang14 years
imx_v2009.08_10.11.01ENGR00133689 MX51: set MC13892 charge output voltage as 4.2VLily Zhang14 years
imx_v2009.08_10.12.01ENGR00137214 MX50: Turn on ZQ calib config by default and fix hang problemRobby Cai14 years
imx_v2009.08_11.04.01ENGR00142322: mx53-smd: spi nor: can't erase 0x200000 sizeTerry Lv14 years
imx_v2009.08_11.05.01ENGR00144389 mx53 QS Ripley: change VCC from 1.35V to 1.3V QS Ripley boardWayne Zou14 years
imx_v2009.08_11.09.01ENGR00169500 mc34708 mx53_loco: 4s power off in QS boardRobin Gong13 years
imx_v2009.08_11.11.01ENGR00162642: Fix bug in setting VDDSOC voltageRanjani Vaidyanathan13 years
imx_v2009.08_12.01.01ENGR00171622 - FEC : workaround for Gb enet in sabrelite board.Fugang Duan13 years
imx_v2009.08_12.02.01ENGR00174155-2 i.mx6sdl: enable i.mx6solo config by defaultJason Liu13 years
imx_v2009.08_12.09.01ENGR00255481 mx6: Update equation for thermal sensorAnson Huang12 years
imx_v2009.08_12.10.02ENGR00230364 - imx6sl: FEC: fix cycle reboot fail in EVK platform for bootp.Fugang Duan12 years
imx_v2009.08_3.0.0ENGR00256543 mx6: Update equation for thermal sensor on i.MX6DLAnson Huang12 years
imx_v2009.08_3.0.35_4.0.0ENGR00254091 fastboot: add reboot command for quick fastbootLin Fuzhen12 years
imx_v2009.08_3.0.35_4.1.0ENGR00327364 iMX6x: Ensure that the bandgap self-bias circuit is disabled aft...Ranjani Vaidyanathan10 years
imx_v2009.08_r13.4.yENGR00233928 i.mx6q/sabresd: update the DDR script for i.MX6Q sabresd boardJason Liu12 years
imx_v2013.04_3.10.17_1.0.0_betaENGR00292012 MX6SL EVK:Increase env offset to 512KiBLiu Ying11 years
imx_v2013.04_3.10.17_1.0.0_gaMLK-10576 ARM: i.MX6: exclude the ARM errata from i.MX6 UP systemNitin Garg10 years
imx_v2013.04_3.10.31_1.1.0_alphaENGR00310794 iMX6 Fix potential plugin bug which wrecks bootROM registerYe.Li11 years
imx_v2013.04_3.10.9_1.0.0_alphaENGR00278716 imx6sl: correct mmc/sd partition number to load uImage and rootfsRobby Cai12 years
imx_v2013.04_3.5.7_1.0.0_alphaENGR00268897 imx6q:sata_boot:fix the build warning when build sata_boot u-bootJason Liu12 years
imx_v2014.04_3.10.31_1.1.0_betaENGR00326448: mx6slevk: I2C: correct scl/sda defineRobin Gong11 years
imx_v2014.04_3.10.31_1.1.0_beta2MLK-9733 imx: mx6sxarm2: Fix nand clock glitchYe.Li10 years
imx_v2014.04_3.10.53_1.1.0_gaMLK-10496: Check the PL310 version for applying errataNitin Garg10 years
imx_v2014.04_3.14.28_1.0.0_gaMLK-10496: Check the PL310 version for applying errataNitin Garg10 years
imx_v2014.04_3.14.28_7d_alphaMLK-10756 imx: mx7darm2: Add support for MX7D 19x19 LPDDR3 ARM2 boardYe.Li10 years
imx_v2014.04_3.14.38_6qp_betaMLK-11159-2 Revert "MLK-11028 imx: mx6qp change L2 prefetch offset to 0"Robby Cai10 years
imx_v2014.04_kk4.4.3_2.yMLK-10496: Check the PL310 version for applying errataNitin Garg10 years
imx_v2015.04MLK-12101: net: bootp: fix dhcp when there is a bad dhcp serverPeng Fan9 years
imx_v2015.04_3.14.38_6qp_gaMA-6987 the value of vmalloc on Kernel command line still display 400M after ...zhang sanshan10 years
imx_v2015.04_3.14.38_6ul7d_betaMA-6860-1 refine fastboot in ubootZhang Sanshan10 years
imx_v2015.04_3.14.38_6ul_gaMLK-11554 imx: mx6ulevk: Modify the mtest memory end to half of PHYS_SDRAM_SIZEYe.Li10 years
imx_v2015.04_3.14.52_1.1.0_gaMLK-11825 imx: mx6dqp: update ddr script to 1.13Peng Fan9 years
imx_v2015.04_4.1.15_1.0.0_gaMLK-12883 usb: limit USB_MAX_XFER_BLK to 256Peng Fan9 years
imx_v2015.04_brilloMA-9530-2 [iot] Revet avb in ubootfang hui8 years
imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_gaMLK-14707 fsl_esdhc: Fix eMMC 1.8v setting issueYe Li8 years
imx_v2016.03_4.1.30_7ulp_alphaMLK-13645 mx7ulp: Modify FDT file to disable SD3.0 for mfgtoolYe Li8 years
imx_v2016.03_4.1.33_7ulp_betaMLK-14693 mx7ulp: Change PLL rate calculation to avoid div 0Ye Li8 years
imx_v2017.03_4.9.11_1.0.0_gaMA-9763 Include init.${ro.hardware}.${ro.boot.soc_type}.rc based uboot's soc_...guoyin.chen8 years
isee_imx_v2017.03_4.9.11_1.0.0_gaIGEP0046: QUAD 1GB DDR3 Micron SupportAitor Carrizosa4 years
isee_imx_v2017.03_4.9.11_1.0.0_ga_TESTIGEP0046: SPL and UBOOT TestJose Miguel Sanchez Sanabria6 years
maddev-imx-android-r10.3ENGR00177213 - U-Boot Changes for ICS iMX53 SMDOliver Brown13 years
maddev-imx-android-r13.2ENGR00177587 MX6Q_ARM2: add android config for this board.Zhang Jiejing13 years
masterUpdate MAINTAINERSLarry Gwinn13 years
scm-imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_gaMXSCM-267 mx6dqscm: set hdmi as primary display for qwks boardJuan Gutierrez8 years