#IF COMMAND IS NEEDED from test.helpers.syscmd import SysCommand import unittest #class name class Qtemplate(unittest.TestCase): # Initialize the variables __variable1 = "Value-a" __variable2 = "Value-b" #.... __variablen = "Value-n" def __init__(self, testname, testfunc, input1=None, inputn=None): # Doing this we will initialize the class and later on perform a particular method inside this class super(Qtemplate, self).__init__(testfunc) self.__testname = testname self.__input1 = input1 self.__inputn = inputn self._testMethodDoc = testname def execute(self): str_cmd = "command" t = SysCommand("command-name", str_cmd) if t.execute() == 0: self.__raw_out = t.getOutput() if self.__raw_out == "": return -1 lines = t.getOutput().splitlines() dat = lines[1] dat = dat.decode('ascii') dat_list = dat.split( ) for d in dat_list: a = dat_list.pop(0) if a == "sec": break self.__MB_real = dat_list[0] self.__BW_real = dat_list[2] self.__dat_list = dat_list print(self.__MB_real) print(self.__BW_real) self.failUnless(int(self.__BW_real)>int(self.__OKBW)*0.9,"FAIL:BECAUSE...") else: return -1 return 0 def get_Total_MB(self): return self.__MB_real; def get_Total_BW(self): return self.__MB_real;