import os import binascii from test.helpers.globalVariables import globalVar class EEprom_Flasher: __Name = None __varlist = None __xmlObj = None __lastError = '' def __init__(self, varlist): self.__varlist = varlist self.__xmlObj = varlist['xml'] self.__Name = varlist.get('name_eeprom', self.__xmlObj.getKeyVal('EEProm_Flasher', 'name', 'EEProm_Flasher')) # self.__igepflashPath = self.__xmlObj.getKeyVal('NAND_Flasher', 'igep_flash', '/usr/bin/igep-flash') # self.__ImagePath = varlist.get('flashimagepath', '') # self.__SkipNandtest = varlist.get('skipnandtest', self.__xmlObj.getKeyVal('NAND_Flasher', 'skipnandtest', '1')) def getTaskName(self): return self.__Name def getError(self): return self.__lastError def Execute(self): return True, None def __generate_data_bytes(self, boarduuid, mac0, mac1): data = bytearray() data += (2029785358).to_bytes(4, 'big') # magicid --> 0x78FC110E data += bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0]) # crc32 = 0 data += bytearray(boarduuid + "\0", 'ascii') # uuid --> 'c0846c8a-5fa5-11ea-8576-f8b156ac62d7' and \0 at the end data += binascii.unhexlify(mac0.replace(':', '')) # mac0 --> 'f8:b1:56:ac:62:d7' if mac1 is not None: data += binascii.unhexlify(mac1.replace(':', '')) # mac1 --> 'f8:b1:56:ac:62:d7' else: data += bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # mac1 --> 0:0:0:0:0:0 # calculate crc crc = (binascii.crc32(data, 0)).to_bytes(4, 'big') data[4:8] = crc return data def __generate_output_data(self, data_rx): boarduuid = data_rx[8:44].decode('ascii') # no 8:45 porque el \0 final hace que no funcione postgresql mac0 = binascii.hexlify(data_rx[45:51]).decode('ascii') mac1 = binascii.hexlify(data_rx[51:57]).decode('ascii') smac0 = ':'.join(mac0[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(mac0), 2)) smac1 = ':'.join(mac1[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(mac1), 2)) eepromdata = "UUID " + boarduuid + " , MAC0 " + smac0 + " , MAC1 " + smac1 return eepromdata # returns exitcode and data saved into eeprom def flash_eeprom(self, eeprompath, boarduuid, mac0, mac1=None): print("Start programming Eeprom...") # check if eeprompath is correct if os.path.isfile(eeprompath): # create u-boot data struct data = self.__generate_data_bytes(boarduuid, mac0, mac1) # write into eeprom and read back f = open(eeprompath, "r+b") f.write(data) data_rx = for i in range(57): if data_rx[i] != data[i]: print("Error while programming eeprom memory.") return 1, None print("Eeprom programmed succesfully.") # generated eeprom read data eepromdata = self.__generate_output_data(data_rx) return 0, eepromdata else: print("Eeprom memory not found.") return 1, None