/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Dunn <mikedunn@newsguy.com> * * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version. * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details. * * * This is a userspace Linux utility that, when run on the Treo 680, will * program u-boot to flash. The docg4 driver *must* be loaded with the * reliable_mode and ignore_badblocks parameters enabled: * * modprobe docg4 ignore_badblocks=1 reliable_mode=1 * * This utility writes the concatenated spl + u-boot image to the start of the * mtd device in the format expected by the IPL/SPL. The image file and mtd * device node are passed to the utility as arguments. The blocks must have * been erased beforehand. * * When you compile this, note that it links to libmtd from mtd-utils, so ensure * that your include and lib paths include this. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <mtd/mtd-user.h> #include "libmtd.h" #define RELIABLE_BLOCKSIZE 0x10000 /* block capacity in reliable mode */ #define STANDARD_BLOCKSIZE 0x40000 /* block capacity in normal mode */ #define PAGESIZE 512 #define PAGES_PER_BLOCK 512 #define OOBSIZE 7 /* available to user (16 total) */ uint8_t ff_oob[OOBSIZE] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; /* this is the magic number the IPL looks for (ASCII "BIPO") */ uint8_t page0_oob[OOBSIZE] = {'B', 'I', 'P', 'O', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { int devfd, datafd, num_blocks, block; off_t file_size; libmtd_t mtd_desc; struct mtd_dev_info devinfo; uint8_t *blockbuf; char response[8]; if (argc != 3) { printf("usage: %s <image file> <mtd dev node>\n", argv[0]); return -EINVAL; } mtd_desc = libmtd_open(); if (mtd_desc == NULL) { int errsv = errno; fprintf(stderr, "can't initialize libmtd\n"); return -errsv; } /* open the spl image file and mtd device */ datafd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); if (datafd == -1) { int errsv = errno; perror(argv[1]); return -errsv; } devfd = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY); if (devfd == -1) { int errsv = errno; perror(argv[2]); return -errsv; } if (mtd_get_dev_info(mtd_desc, argv[2], &devinfo) < 0) { int errsv = errno; perror(argv[2]); return -errsv; } /* determine the number of blocks needed by the image */ file_size = lseek(datafd, 0, SEEK_END); if (file_size == (off_t)-1) { int errsv = errno; perror("lseek"); return -errsv; } num_blocks = (file_size + RELIABLE_BLOCKSIZE - 1) / RELIABLE_BLOCKSIZE; file_size = lseek(datafd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (file_size == (off_t)-1) { int errsv = errno; perror("lseek"); return -errsv; } printf("The mtd partition contains %d blocks\n", devinfo.eb_cnt); printf("U-boot will occupy %d blocks\n", num_blocks); if (num_blocks > devinfo.eb_cnt) { fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient blocks on partition\n"); return -EINVAL; } printf("IMPORTANT: These blocks must be in an erased state!\n"); printf("Do you want to proceed?\n"); scanf("%s", response); if ((response[0] != 'y') && (response[0] != 'Y')) { printf("Exiting\n"); close(devfd); close(datafd); return 0; } blockbuf = calloc(RELIABLE_BLOCKSIZE, 1); if (blockbuf == NULL) { int errsv = errno; perror("calloc"); return -errsv; } for (block = 0; block < num_blocks; block++) { int ofs, page; uint8_t *pagebuf = blockbuf, *buf = blockbuf; uint8_t *oobbuf = page0_oob; /* magic num in oob of 1st page */ size_t len = RELIABLE_BLOCKSIZE; int ret; /* read data for one block from file */ while (len) { ssize_t read_ret = read(datafd, buf, len); if (read_ret == -1) { int errsv = errno; if (errno == EINTR) continue; perror("read"); return -errsv; } else if (read_ret == 0) { break; /* EOF */ } len -= read_ret; buf += read_ret; } printf("Block %d: writing\r", block + 1); fflush(stdout); for (page = 0, ofs = 0; page < PAGES_PER_BLOCK; page++, ofs += PAGESIZE) { if (page & 0x04) /* Odd-numbered 2k page */ continue; /* skipped in reliable mode */ ret = mtd_write(mtd_desc, &devinfo, devfd, block, ofs, pagebuf, PAGESIZE, oobbuf, OOBSIZE, MTD_OPS_PLACE_OOB); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "\nmtd_write returned %d on block %d, ofs %x\n", ret, block + 1, ofs); return -EIO; } oobbuf = ff_oob; /* oob for subsequent pages */ if (page & 0x01) /* odd-numbered subpage */ pagebuf += PAGESIZE; } } printf("\nDone\n"); close(devfd); close(datafd); free(blockbuf); return 0; }