UMS test script.

Example usage:
1. On the target:
   create UMS exportable partitions (with e.g. gpt write), or specify a
   partition number (PART_NUM) as "-" to use the entire device
   ums 0 mmc 0
2. On the host:
   sudo test/ums/ VID PID PART_NUM [-f FILE_SYSTEM] [test_file]
   e.g. sudo test/ums/ 0525 a4a5 6 -f vfat ./dat_14M.img

... where:
    VID - UMS device USB Vendor ID
    PID - UMS device USB Product ID
    PART_NUM - is the partition number on which UMS operates or "-" to use the
	       whole device

Information about available partitions on the target one can read with using
the 'mmc part' or 'part list' commands.

The partition num (PART_NUM) can be specified as '-' for using the whole device.

The [-f FILE_SYSTEM] optional switch allows for formatting target partition to

The last, optional [test_file] parameter is for specifying the exact test file
to use.