/* * (C) Copyright 2006, Imagos S.a.s <www.imagos.it> * Renato Andreola <renato.andreola@imagos.it> * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ /************************************************************************* * Altera NiosII YANU serial interface by Imagos * please see http://www.opencores.org/project,yanu for * information/downloads ************************************************************************/ #ifndef __NIOS2_YANU_H__ #define __NIOS2_YANU_H__ #define YANU_MAX_PRESCALER_N ((1 << 4) - 1) /* 15 */ #define YANU_MAX_PRESCALER_M ((1 << 11) -1) /* 2047 */ #define YANU_FIFO_SIZE (16) #define YANU_RXFIFO_SIZE (YANU_FIFO_SIZE) #define YANU_TXFIFO_SIZE (YANU_FIFO_SIZE) #define YANU_RXFIFO_DLY (10*11) #define YANU_TXFIFO_THR (10) #define YANU_DATA_CHAR_MASK (0xFF) /* data register */ #define YANU_DATA_OFFSET (0) /* data register offset */ #define YANU_CONTROL_OFFSET (4) /* control register offset */ /* interrupt enable */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_RRDY (1<<0) /* ie on received character ready */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_OE (1<<1) /* ie on rx overrun */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_BRK (1<<2) /* ie on break detect */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_FE (1<<3) /* ie on framing error */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_PE (1<<4) /* ie on parity error */ #define YANU_CONTROL_IE_TRDY (1<<5) /* ie interrupt on tranmitter ready */ /* control bits */ #define YANU_CONTROL_BITS_POS (6) /* bits number pos */ #define YANU_CONTROL_BITS (1<<YANU_CONTROL_BITS_POS) /* number of rx/tx bits per word. 3 bit unsigned integer */ #define YANU_CONTROL_BITS_N (3) /* ... its bit filed length */ #define YANU_CONTROL_PARENA (1<<9) /* enable parity bit transmission/reception */ #define YANU_CONTROL_PAREVEN (1<<10) /* parity even */ #define YANU_CONTROL_STOPS (1<<11) /* number of stop bits */ #define YANU_CONTROL_HHENA (1<<12) /* Harware Handshake enable... */ #define YANU_CONTROL_FORCEBRK (1<<13) /* if set than txd = active (0) */ /* tuning part */ #define YANU_CONTROL_RDYDLY (1<<14) /* delay from "first" before setting rrdy (in bit) */ #define YANU_CONTROL_RDYDLY_N (8) /* ... its bit filed length */ #define YANU_CONTROL_TXTHR (1<<22) /* tx interrupt threshold: the trdy set if txfifo_chars<= txthr (chars) */ #define YANU_CONTROL_TXTHR_N (4) /* ... its bit field length */ #define YANU_BAUD_OFFSET (8) /* baud register offset */ #define YANU_BAUDM (1<<0) /* baud mantissa lsb */ #define YANU_BAUDM_N (12) /* ...its bit filed length */ #define YANU_BAUDE (1<<12) /* baud exponent lsb */ #define YANU_BAUDE_N (4) /* ...its bit field length */ #define YANU_ACTION_OFFSET (12) /* action register... write only */ #define YANU_ACTION_RRRDY (1<<0) /* reset rrdy */ #define YANU_ACTION_ROE (1<<1) /* reset oe */ #define YANU_ACTION_RBRK (1<<2) /* reset brk */ #define YANU_ACTION_RFE (1<<3) /* reset fe */ #define YANU_ACTION_RPE (1<<4) /* reset pe */ #define YANU_ACTION_SRRDY (1<<5) /* set rrdy */ #define YANU_ACTION_SOE (1<<6) /* set oe */ #define YANU_ACTION_SBRK (1<<7) /* set brk */ #define YANU_ACTION_SFE (1<<8) /* set fe */ #define YANU_ACTION_SPE (1<<9) /* set pe */ #define YANU_ACTION_RFIFO_PULL (1<<10) /* pull a char from rx fifo we MUST do it before taking a char */ #define YANU_ACTION_RFIFO_CLEAR (1<<11) /* clear rx fifo */ #define YANU_ACTION_TFIFO_CLEAR (1<<12) /* clear tx fifo */ #define YANU_ACTION_RTRDY (1<<13) /* clear trdy */ #define YANU_ACTION_STRDY (1<<14) /* set trdy */ #define YANU_STATUS_OFFSET (16) #define YANU_STATUS_RRDY (1<<0) /* rxrdy flag */ #define YANU_STATUS_TRDY (1<<1) /* txrdy flag */ #define YANU_STATUS_OE (1<<2) /* rx overrun error */ #define YANU_STATUS_BRK (1<<3) /* rx break detect flag */ #define YANU_STATUS_FE (1<<4) /* rx framing error flag */ #define YANU_STATUS_PE (1<<5) /* rx parity erro flag */ #define YANU_RFIFO_CHARS_POS (6) #define YANU_RFIFO_CHARS (1<<RFIFO_CHAR_POS) /* number of chars into rx fifo */ #define YANU_RFIFO_CHARS_N (5) /* ...its bit field length: 32 chars */ #define YANU_TFIFO_CHARS_POS (11) #define YANU_TFIFO_CHARS (1<<TFIFO_CHAR_POS) /* number of chars into tx fifo */ #define YANU_TFIFO_CHARS_N (5) /* ...its bit field length: 32 chars */ typedef volatile struct yanu_uart_t { volatile unsigned data; volatile unsigned control; /* control register (RW) 32-bit */ volatile unsigned baud; /* baud/prescaler register (RW) 32-bit */ volatile unsigned action; /* action register (W) 32-bit */ volatile unsigned status; /* status register (R) 32-bit */ volatile unsigned magic; /* magic register (R) 32-bit */ } yanu_uart_t; #endif