	H A R D W A R E	  O V E R V I E W
	       |  DK20K200     |  DK1C20       |  DK1S10       |  DK1S40
	       |	       |	       |	       |
  Schem. Nr.   | Nios Dev.Brd. |  P06-08713-00 |  P06-08468-01 |  P06-09178-00
	 Rev.  | pilot.	       |  01	       |  01	       |  00
	 Date  | 2001/02/06    |  2003/02/20   |  2003/02/14   |  2003/05/14
[1]	       |	       |	       |	       |
	       |	       |	       |	       |
  FPGA	       | "APEX"	       | "Cyclon"      | "Stratix"     | "Stratix"
	       |  EP20K200E    |  EP1C20       |  EP1S10       |  EP1S40
	       |	       |	       |
	       | (484 FBGA)    | (400 FBGA)    | (780 FBGA)
[2],[3],[4]    |	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  Clock (OSC)  |  33.333 MHz   |  50 MHz
	       |	       | (with ext. supply)
	       |  PI49FCT3805
[5]	       |
	       |	       |
  Flash	       |  1 MByte      |  8 MByte
	       |	       |
	       |  AM29LV800BB  |  AM29LV065DU120REI
	       |  8/16 bit bus |  8 bit bus
	       |  1 chip       |  1 chip
[6],[7]	       |	       |
	       |	       |	       |
  serial       |  no such      |  4 MBits      |  no such
  Flash	       |	       |	       |
	       |	       |  EPCS4SI8     |
[8]	       |	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  Compact      |  no such, as  |  see below: prototype adapter
  Flash (CF)   |  module only  |
	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  SRAM	       |  256 KByte    |  1 MByte
	       |	       |
	       |  IDT71V016S   |  IDT71V416S10PH
	       |  32 bit bus   |  32 bit bus
	       |  2 chips      |  2 chips
	       |    interlaced |    interlaced
[9],[10]       |	       |
	       |	       |
  SDRAM	       |  SODIMM only  |  16 MByte
	       |	       |
	       |	       |  MT48LC4M32B2TG-7
	       |  64 bit bus   |  32 bit bus
	       |	       |  1 chip
[11]	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  serial I/O   |  1 RS232      |  2 RS232
	       |	       |
	       |  LTC1386      |  MAX3237CAI
	       |	       |
	       |  port 1:      |  port 1:
	       |   RxD / TxD,  |   RxD / TxD,
	       |   RTS / CTS   |   RTS / CTS, DTR / DSR, DCD, RI
	       |	       |
	       |  ! ! ! ! ! !  |  port 2:      |  port 2:
	       |  RTS/CTS can  |   RxD / TxD   |   RxD / TxD
	       |  be RxD/TxD   |	       |   RTS / CTS, DTR / DSR
	       |  of 2nd port  |	       |   DCD, RI
[12],[13]      |  ! ! ! ! ! !  |	       |
	       |	       |
  Ethernet     |  no such, as  |  1 10BaseT / 100BaseT
	       |  module only  |
	       |	       |  LAN91C111-NE
	       |	       |  32 bit bus
	       |	       |  no external EEPROM
	       |	       |  LEDA# for link
	       |	       |  LEDB# for Rx / Tx
[14]	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  user	       |  8	       |  no such
  switches     |  SW[7..0]     |
	       |	       |
  user push    |  4
  buttons      |  PB[3..0]
	       |	       |
  user LEDs    |  2	       |  8
	       |  LED[1..0]    |  LED[7..0]
	       |	       |
  user seven   |  2
  segment      |  HEX[1..0][G..A,DP]
	       |	       |
  3.3V proto-  |  w/o level    |  no such -- only 5V
  type adapter |  shift buffer |
	       |	       |
	       |  40 I/O pins  |
	       |  1 card sel.  |
	       |  1 reset out. |
	       |  1 OSC clock  |
	       |  1 CPU clock  |
	       |  1 clock out. |
	       |	       |
	       |	       |
  5V prototype |  with level   |  2 ports -- both card ports supplied with its
  adapter      |  shift buffer |	     own level shift buffer
	       |	       |
	       |  40 I/O pins  |  port 1 & 2:
	       |  1 card sel.  |   41 I/O pins
	       |  1 Vee	 ? ? ? |   1 card select
	       |  1 reset out. |   1 reset output (from dev/board)
	       |  1 OSC clock  |   1 OSC clock	  (from dev/board)
	       |  1 CPU clock  |   1 CPU clock	  (from dev/board)
	       |  1 clock inp. |   1 clock input  (to dev/board)
	       |	       |
	       |	       |  (special) port 1:
	       |	       |   1 CF select
	       |	       |   1 CF present
	       |	       |   1 CF ATA select
	       |	       |   1 CF power
	       |	       |
	       |	       |  NOTE: Both card ports are prepared for raw
	       |	       |	IDE working. You can connect such
	       |	       |	devices directly to the 40 pin header.
	       |	       |	The signal PDIAG (passed diagnostic)
	       |	       |	is not connected to any I/O signal.
	       |	       |	Card port 1 is hard wired to the on
	       |	       |	board Copact Flash adapter together
	       |	       |	with all other signals needed by CF
	       |	       |	cards. Hot plug should be working too.
[15],[16]      |	       |
	       |	       |
  config. CPLD |  EPM7064      |  EPM7128
	       |	       |
  (alternative |  decition by  |  decision by
   FPGA conf.) |  jumper       |  push button
	       |	       |
	       |  FPGA config. |  FPGA config. |  FPGA config.
	       |  from Flash   |  from Flash   |  from Flash
	       |  only	       |  and EPCS4    |  only
	       |	       |	       |

	R E F E R E N C E S
[1]	http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-nio.jsp
[2]	http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-apx.jsp
[3]	http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-cyc.jsp
[4]	http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-stx.jsp
[5]	http://www.pericom.com/pdf/datasheets/PI49FCT3805.pdf
[6]	http://www.amd.com/us-en/FlashMemory/ProductInformation/0,,37_1447_1623_1468^1532,00.html
[7]	http://www.amd.com/us-en/FlashMemory/ProductInformation/0,,37_1447_1623_1468^1596,00.html
[8]	http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-config.html
[9]	http://www.idt.com/products/pages/Asynchronous_SRAMs-71V016SA.html
[10]	http://www.idt.com/products/pages/Asynchronous_SRAMs-71V416SL.html
[11]	http://www.micron.com/products/dram/sdram/part.aspx?part=MT48LC4M32B2TG-7
[12]	http://www.linear.com/prod/datasheet.html?datasheet=33
[13]	http://www.maxim-ic.com/quick_view2.cfm/qv_pk/1068/ln/en
[14]	http://www.smsc.com/main/catalog/lan91c111.html
[15]	http://www.t13.org/index.html
[16]	http://www.compactflash.org/faqs/faq.htm

Stephan Linz <linz@li-pro.net>